Look out Melbourne- We are ready to rescue.
Look out Melbourne, Warriors 4 Wildlife to the rescue!
This delivery to Metung supported multiple shelters in the area. Including 2 much needed incubators.
We are so grateful to Nigel from Petcabs who has donated two Pet Taxis to Warriors 4 Wildlife that we have transformed into our first ever Wildlife Rescue and Transport Vehicles! It’s been a goal of the organisation for a long time to have fully equipped wildlife rescue vehicles on the road providing day to day emergency animal rescue, transport and release around Melbourne.
These vehicles will be of vital assistance for the charity and the community as we will be transporting injured or orphaned wildlife to shelters and vets for care and treatment.
Our vehicles will also be used for Wombaroo deliveries and donations to Wildlife Shelters through our Support 4 Shelters program.
Our Charity is 100% volunteer run and relies heavily on donations from the public and sponsorships from local businesses to keep our projects alive and running!
Help support us by becoming a sponsor or donating today!
#wildliferescue #rescuevehicles #volunteer #support4shelters #helpushelpthem